• What is it?

    The print collective has use of risograph machines in our space. We use the word “collective” here in its most broad definition as a noun:

    1: a collective body : GROUP a social collective

    2: a cooperative unit or organization

  • How does it work?

    Collective members will have a responsibility to care for their own work and belongings in the space, but will not be responsible for training new members or doing upkeep of the machines. Those that manage the print collective will be responsible for trainings, for machine maintenance, and for managing the print calendar. All collective members will have a vote in how a certain portion of the member dues are spent, whether on new inks, special papers, binding machines, etc.

    When members are accepted, they will be asked to sign a contract that outlines our policies for internal conflict resolution.

  • What is the cost?


    Individual Artist

    Includes up to 100 prints per month

    Sliding scale - $10-30/month

    Commercial Artist or Artist Collective

    Includes up to 300 prints per month

    Sliding scale - $30-50/month

    Small-Medium Businesses

    Includes unlimited prints per month


If you would like to apply to be a member of the Communication Print Collective, please fill out the form below. We will be in touch soon with with the status of your application. Thanks for your patience as we begin this new phase of collaborative work!